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Important Factors in Cleaning Business and Its Types


Important Factors in Cleaning Business and Its Types

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Cleaning Business
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The First is General Cleaning

If we plan to dedicate ourselves to this activity, it will be necessary to previously define what we want and what we can clean. Here you can read the keys to setting up a cleaning service company.

In this sector, it is possible to differentiate between three types of cleaning services.

Punctual or sporadic, they are aimed at both private homes and companies, commercial premises and other facilities. This also includes end-of-work, in-depth cleaning or accident cleaning.

The Second Modality is Specific Sectoral Cleanups

There are demand sectors that require specific cleaning plans, with adequate materials, techniques, machinery and personnel. These peculiarities mean that in maintenance cleaning there are also various specializations, in some cases quite complex:

That of industrial buildings requires cleaning of heights; in health centers hygiene procedures are very strict; in the agri-food and pharmaceutical sector, staff must be adequately qualified; while industrial technical cleaning and nuclear power plant cleaning is at the top of the specialization pyramid.

The Third Type is Specialized Technical Cleaning

The maintenance cleaning service does not cover certain elements that require specific periodic treatments, such as ceilings, upholstery, blinds or air conditioning ducts, among others. In the same way, there are special circumstances that require specific interventions, such as the removal of chewing gum, graffiti and graffiti, diamond painting and polishing of floors, rat extermination, insect removal, environmental deodorization, poceria, etc.

Industry Figures

Although general cleaning business can be a good way to start in this activity, specialized technical services and sector niches constitute a very good positioning opportunity to stand out from other companies in the sector. And they can generate a significant demand, if it is possible to create an attractive, useful and differentiated offer in a traditional and mature sector.

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According to the most recent data from the INE (2020), the number of companies dedicated to cleaning activities amounts to 34,649 (1,618 more than the previous year) and employment to 3,337,646 people. In 2018, total turnover amounted to 10,790 million euros (1.8% more than in 2016).

Although the sector is highly fragmented – it is made up of 95% of micro-enterprises, with zero to ten workers – the turnover of the first 10 operators is around 20% of the total and large companies (with 250 employees or more) generate 61%. of billing. Large companies mainly provide services to Public Administrations, while micro-enterprises are especially active in the household market.

Keys to Shine in The Sector

Experts in this market highlight the following aspects as especially relevant to succeed in it:

People Management

They are the “soul” of the business and this is an especially critical point in a sector characterized by a high rate of absenteeism, high turnover and little attachment to the profession. Training, motivation and the remuneration system are the tools to achieve employee satisfaction and ensure their productivity. In addition to the cleaning staff, you cannot miss commercial profiles, as well as organizational ones, to achieve proper work planning.

Professionalism and Dedication to Service

This aspect is vital, since cleaning services are provided periodically. Sandra Moreno, manager of Limpiezas Castilla, expresses it this way: “Would you leave the keys to your house to anyone?” The commitment to quality of service and the generation of trust are the motor of his company, which has provided its services from Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara) since 1992.

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Its people management policy has been key to its longevity. “Many ladies (the majority of their staff are female) have been with us since the beginning. Feeling valued and managing to reconcile their personal lives have been determining factors”, explains Sandra Moreno.

Machinery, Techniques, Treatments and Modern Products

Being at the forefront in this area and even innovating, as well as good purchasing management, in quantity and quality, can represent considerable cost savings and productivity increases.

Attention to regulations. It is necessary to know and strictly comply with current environmental regulations, storage and handling of chemical products, as well as the personnel subrogation regulations, in the event that a contract changes ownership.


Getting notoriety is essential for any business, especially in the early days. This implies time and resources, so it will be necessary to have an adequate initial budget. It will be necessary to develop a good mix of activities, both online – web, social networks, SEO, SEM – and offline, such as advertisements in the media, posters and signage, business visits, public relations (press releases, sponsorships, networking), etc.

What does it Take to Start a Cleaning Business?

People start cleaning companies all the time. The key consideration for an individual in starting a cleaning business is deciding whether to start independently or open a franchise. It is much less expensive to start a cleaning business on your own.

However, most franchise companies already have a marketing plan to help you get off to a fast start. However, any cleaning business owner needs certain licenses, supplies, equipment, and most of all a clientele to get started.

DBA and Seller’s License

As with any business, anyone who opens a cleaning business will have a DBA (assumed name) and vendor’s license. You can obtain a DBA by contacting your local county clerk or administration office. The application will then be mailed to you.

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Once you fill out the application and submit it with your application fee, your business will be registered. It is best that you think of a catchy name for your cleaning business before applying for the DBA. When you apply for your DBA, you will also receive a seller’s license, which will require you to collect sales tax from your customers.

Cleaning Agents

You will have to decide if you want to clean residences, businesses, or both when shopping for cleaning products. Consider purchasing cleaning products in higher volumes if you clean businesses. Bathrooms and office rooms are much larger than rooms in houses. Floor, mirror and window cleaners are the most common cleaning agents used in the cleaning business.

Cleaning Articles

You will also need a number of cleaning products. Common cleaning products include trash bags, trash cans, spray bottles, buckets, mops, dusters, toilet brushes, paper towels, rags, and putty knives. It may be that you take time to decide the exact amount of cleaning products you need. As you gain more experience, you’ll have a better idea of ​​how much to keep on hand.


Some larger equipment is necessary to start your business. A vacuum cleaner and even a carpet cleaner are necessary, since residences or businesses might hire you to clean carpets from time to time. Check the prices of carpet cleaning products for the fee. Most carpet cleaning services charge per square foot.


Marketing is an important aspect of starting a business – especially a cleaning service that could be run out of your home. Start by handing out flyers to residences and businesses in your area.

Also consider placing an ad in your town’s main newspaper or even in free newspapers, according to the article “Starting a Home Cleaning Service” in The Dollar Stretcher.

Referrals are another way to gather potential clients. Start by asking residential customers if they know anyone who needs their house cleaned regularly, and offer discounts for an existing customer if they refer a new business. (CWT)

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