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Knowing Global Education the Best


Knowing Global Education the Best

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SIM Global Education
Image: SIMGE.Edu.Eg
Program Toko iPOS 5

When you enter SIM Global Education, you will know that it takes more than class excellence to inspire SIM GE students to succeed. The way we approach leads to a deep learning experience to develop students in a global world that has the ability to be sensitive to adapt to the level of work anywhere.

Our college campus is very fun because it is more than just a classroom. With all student activities covering more than 70 clubs, SIM provides opportunities for you such as extra-curricular in the world of art, culture and sports and developing personal abilities in the path of leadership and communication.

At the same time, SIM GE helps you to interact with the community and form networks that will benefit you in the future.

Through SIM GE, you will feel the campus atmosphere that is equipped with the best technology and facilities to develop your study guidelines here. The SIM campus provides high speed wireless internet access and the latest technology so you can access any information from online networks.

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SIM GE has a blend of cultures from 40 countries from all over the world so that the unique and original cultural differences continue to grow.

It is through this cultural fusion that SIM GE provides a special place for cultural exchange and knowledge sharing, various student backgrounds on campus become the entrance to know how humans think and connect with each other.

Therefore, studying at SIM GE will provide a memorable experience and have world-class education standards and global education in locations that are the economic center of Asia. In this case business degrees Singapore is one of the mainstays.

Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you cannot measure something, you cannot understand it.  If you cannot understand it, you cannot control it.  If you cannot control it, you cannot improve it (James Harrington, Business Process Improvement)

SIM GE provides more than 80 school programs for full time and part time through more than 10 universities that are partners with us at master, undergraduate, graduate diploma and diploma level. This area includes arts, business, communication, design, finance, information technology, academics for education, social sciences, management and much more.

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Dalam dunia kerja, semua kandidat atau calon pelamar kerja pasti tidak asing dengan istilah psychometric assessment. Psychometric assessment memiliki arti tes psikometrik yang ditujukan untuk mengukur intelektualitas seorang calon pekerja atau karyawan. (ADV)

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