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Metal Building Pricing Standards Accreditation Service News


Metal Building Pricing Standards Accreditation Service News

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Metal Building Pricing Standards Accreditation Service News
Zahir Accounting Online

Accreditation Service – Steel buildings are real goods; therefore it can be evaluated objectively. The internet allows consumers to review the information in question without having to talk to a salesman. Steel buildings are mainly made of steel, sheets, hardware (screws, bolts, sealants etc) and trim. You may ask the salesman or look at the steel building website for a detailed specification sheet that clearly defines the materials used in the building as well as the value of the material. The value of the material and the price set for it is all that is relevant when evaluating the proposal.

Steel building standards are influenced by IAS (International Accreditation Service). Accreditation service is the largest organization that formulates the basic standards of the design of steel buildings. If a customer purchases a steel building from a company that has evidence that he or she is designing this standard, then the customer can be assured that the building meets the basic requirements.


The price of steel buildings is mainly influenced by resellers. Most manufacturers have authorized dealers who market their buildings. This manufacturer allows resellers to mark buildings as they see fit. Market prices are influenced by competition. The more quotes, the better the customer earns a fair interest rate. I have a customer who tells me that they got a 100% separated bid; so consumers should get a lot of offers.

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What matters is the price that matches the specifications. If customers are clear about what they want, and also about the specifications that are set, they do not have to pay retail. They can contact reseller and demand cost + 5% profit. Most resellers accept their building for the same price. The price disparity to the public is due to the arbitrary mark that the retailer has chosen. Thus, an astute customer can dictate the price he wants by showing what specifications he wants and also the purchase price. Knowledge is power. Although this is rarely done, it will most likely be accepted by the seller. That’s the article about accreditation service. (ADV)

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