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2023 Becomes the Right Moment for West Kalimantan MSMEs to Upgrade


2023 Becomes the Right Moment for West Kalimantan MSMEs to Upgrade

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Zahir Accounting Online – UMKM stands for Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah. It is a term used in Indonesia to refer to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

UMKM businesses typically have fewer than 100 employees and relatively low levels of capitalization.

West Kalimantan MSMEs

They play an important role in the Indonesian economy, providing jobs and driving economic growth.

However, they also face challenges such as lack of access to financing and limited capacity to take advantage of technology and innovation.

The government of Indonesia has implemented various policies and programs to support the development of UMKM.

In Indonesia, the classification of UMKM is based on several criteria such as the number of employees, the amount of capital, and the annual turnover of the business.

The UMKM category is divided into three main types:

  1. Usaha Mikro (Micro Enterprises): These are businesses with less than 10 employees and a capital of less than IDR 50 million.
  2. Usaha Kecil (Small Enterprises): These are businesses with less than 50 employees and a capital of between IDR 50 million and IDR 5 billion.
  3. Usaha Menengah (Medium Enterprises): These are businesses with less than 100 employees and a capital of between IDR 5 billion and IDR 50 billion.

In addition to these three main types, there are also subcategories of UMKM, such as UMKM Berskala Nasional (National Scale Micro and Small Enterprises) and UMKM Berskala Internasional (International Scale Micro and Small Enterprises).

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Each UMKM category is provided with different types of facilities, incentives and facilities by the government.

UMKM Naik Kelas

“Naik Kelas” is a program aimed at helping UMKMs (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) in Indonesia to grow and improve their operations.

The program, which is launched by the Indonesian government, is designed to help UMKMs become more competitive and move up to the next level of development.

The program includes a variety of initiatives such as training, mentoring, and financial assistance to help UMKMs improve their management and operational capabilities.

It also encourages UMKMs to take advantage of technology and innovation to improve their operations and reach more customers.

Additionally, the program also provides UMKMs with access to markets, networks, and partnerships to help them expand their customer base and reach new markets.

It also encourages UMKMs to participate in trade fairs, exhibitions, and other events to increase their visibility and reach potential customers.

The ultimate goal of the “Naik Kelas” program is to help UMKMs to be more successful, create more jobs and increase their competitiveness in the global marketplace.

The program aims to increase the number of UMKMs that are able to compete in the global marketplace, and to improve the overall economic performance of Indonesia.

UMKM Go Digital

“Go Digital” is a program aimed at helping UMKMs (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) in Indonesia to adopt digital technologies and increase their competitiveness.

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The program was launched by the Indonesian government to help UMKMs increase their efficiency and productivity, improve their access to markets, and enhance their ability to innovate.

The program includes a variety of initiatives such as providing UMKMs with access to digital platforms and e-commerce, training and mentoring, and financial assistance.

The government also encourages UMKMs to take advantage of digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and the internet of things (IoT) to improve their operations and reach more customers.

The program also encourages the use of digital payments, digital marketing, and digital financial services to help UMKMs expand their customer base and reach new markets.

Additionally, it also encourages UMKMs to use digital tools such as social media and online marketplaces to increase their visibility and reach potential customers.

Overall, the goal of the “Go Digital” program is to help UMKMs to be more successful in the digital economy and to increase their ability to compete in the global marketplace.

Business Insights

Indeed, if we look at the past two years where the condition of the pandemic has impacted almost all areas of life, 2023 will be the right moment for all to rise again from adversity.

The following can be seen the latest information about business insights for 2023.

  • The ongoing global pandemic and its impact on the economy is expected to continue affecting businesses in various industries, with some sectors such as travel and hospitality hit particularly hard.
  • Remote work and online collaboration are likely to become more prevalent in the wake of the pandemic, leading to changes in the way businesses operate and communicate with their employees and customers.
  • The adoption of technology such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to accelerate as companies look to improve efficiency and gain a competitive edge.
  • Climate change and sustainability will continue to be important issues for businesses, with more companies committing to reduce their carbon footprint and implement sustainable practices.
  • The trend of e-commerce and online marketplaces will continue to grow as more consumers turn to digital channels to make purchases.
  • Cybersecurity will be more important than ever as businesses increasingly move their operations online and rely on technology to drive their operations.
  • The trend of globalization will continue to shape the business environment, with companies operating in multiple countries and across borders.
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It is important to note that these are general predictions and the actual outcome will depend on a variety of factors such as government policies, global events, and technology advancements.

If you are a business owner who wants to get detailed information on how to digitize your business and make it more developed in 2023, just call +62 811-56-1982 (only whatsapp). (GPT)

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