Pontianak Beautiful Borneo City
Pontianak regency is one of the widest regency areas that reside in West Kalimantan Province. Its region wide is 18171,20 km2 and number of residents is 845000 men. The Capital Of Pontianak Regency is Mempawah that parting 67 km from Pontianak city. Pontianak regency has high potency in tourism sector, they are:
1. Melanggar Waterfall
This Waterfall that has 50 m highest and 75 m widest is the breaking of Landak River. Located in Sungai Besar District about 230 km from Pontianak City or 197 km from Mempawah city. To reach this location can be applied by four-wheel vehicle until Serimbu village, hereinafter with water motor till 2 hours.
2. Remabo Waterfall
The waterfall that has seven levels is resided in Air Besar district, which can be gone through with of four-wheel vehicle. Between levels 1 with other can be gone through by walking during 15-30 minutes.
3. Long house
It is also called Betang House, 310 m length and 18 m wide, now is dwelt about 34 family heads, which still have family relation. Located in Saham village, Sengah Temila district it is not far from International road Pontianak – Kuching. Be the only omission of the Dayak Kanayatn long house in Pontianak regency.
4. Juang Mandor Grave
It is said that in this grave location had murdered 21037 best Indonesian in West Kalimantan; the kings, intellectual, elite figure or magnate. Here there are 10 mass graves and one-massacre locations in esplanade. Located about 88 km from Pontianak city, in the side of International road Pontianak – Kuching.
5. Amantubillah Palace
This omission building history of Mempawah empire is ever have combustible, and built again in 1922 by Mohammad Taufik Akamaddin. Here is filed the patrimony objects like small cannon and ‘keris’ patrimony.
6. Opu Daeng Manambon Grave
The founder of Mempawah Empire Grave is located to hill, Suap village, Mempawah Hilir district. There is also Habib Husein Grave (the first Islam spreader in Mempawah), which located in Sejegi village, Mempawah Hilir district.
7. Kijing Beach
This beach is sloping beach, in km 84 Sungai Kunyit villages, Sungai Kunyit district.
8. Temajo Island
This Island that faced to Natuna Sea have beautiful nature scenery and clear seawater, hardly suited for athletics dive. Its situation is nearby with Kijing beach, about 1 hour with water motor from Sungai Kunyit village.
9. Naik Dango Custom Ceremony
It is the custom public Dayak Kanayatn presentation of thanks feel to Sang Jubata (God) for the paddy crop successful. It is done every 27 Aprils every year with location by rotation in 10 hinterland Districts tribe resident, which majority by Dayak Kanayatn. This ceremony is started with ‘ Arakan Panompo ‘ from each district courier, caught up dance ‘Candle Paddy’ by Dayak Kanayatn girls, and its top moment is pray read ritual by one of the Leader in Pontianak regency. West Kalimantan regency functionaries, Pontianak District functionaries and the invitations always attend this ceremony.