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Ini Postingan Terakhir Rini Cesillia, Fashion Blogger Indonesia yang Meninggal di Bali


Ini Postingan Terakhir Rini Cesillia, Fashion Blogger Indonesia yang Meninggal di Bali

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Dengar” berita ada beauty blogger Indonesia yang meninggal baru-baru ini belum saling kenal dekat tapi sering lihat blog nya ..

Benar-benar gak tau sama waktu ya..

Turut berduka cita buat kak Rini Cesillia semoga tenang disana dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan ..

Kalimat diatas merupakan sebuah status yang dibuat oleh salah seorang anggota Komunitas Blogger Pontianak, yaitu Lola Prianti. Melihat status tersebut, Blogger Borneo langsung mencari informasi guna memastikan kebenaran beritanya.

Blogger Borneo langsung mengetikkan kata kunci “Rini Cesillia” di Google dan meng-enter tombol menu Search. Dalam waktu sekejap semua informasi terkait langsung muncul di halaman pertama Google. Satu postingan berita dari salah satu portal berita resmi di Indonesia sedikit banyak telah menjelaskan waktu dan tempat kejadian meninggalnya salah seorang Beauty Blogger Indonesia ini.

Postingan Rini Cesillia Sebelum Meninggal

Penampakan gambar diatas merupakan hasil screenshot postingan terakhir yang ada di halaman blog www.rinicesillia.com.


Hi all, welcome to my beauty blog!

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First of all, my name is Rini Cesillia, just like my blog name (so uncreative I know XD). I am currently living in Jakarta, Indonesia.

I started this blog out of boredom, it’s when I felt to share my opinion about products that I have used so it can help other people who are searching review about it on internet. So from the very beginning, my blog style is more about sharing product or service reviews. But as time passed and I can’t believe that I still blogging until now, sometimes there are other contents too, like event report, travel story, makeup tutorial, or just sharing celebrity makeup-inspired look.

I write this blog in two languages: Bahasa and English.

I use Bahasa when the products I reviewed are only available in Indonesia or when I reviewed US/UK brands.

I use English when the products I reviewed are Korean brand products or when I sharing about mu travelling story.

I started to like makeup because of the cute packaging of Korean makeup and that’s why until now I mostly write about Korean cosmetics review. I like watching K-drama and listening to K-pop songs too. To sum up, I really like Korea and I want to travel there as many times as possible. ^^

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However it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to try other cosmetics besides Korea cosmetics. I would love to try any brands, whether it is homemade product, newly released brand, or newly released product from existing brand, just drop me an email at rini[dot]cesillia@gmail[dot]com.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thank you! ?

Demikian sedikit informasi mengenai profil Rini Cesillia yang dikutip dari halaman About Me di blognya. (DW)

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