Why Yoga Meditation is Important to do Everyday

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You’ll probably feel better if you’ve practiced the “downward dog” today. No matter your level of yoga, if you practice regularly, you’ll feel better from top to toe.

The benefits of yoga for physical and mental health can benefit people of all ages. Yoga meditation can also be an important part of your treatment if you are recovering from surgery, struggling with illness or suffering from a chronic condition. It can potentially speed up your recovery.

Yoga increases flexibility, balance and strength.

When working with patients, yoga therapists can create personalised regimens that complement medical and surgical procedures. In this way, yoga can aid the healing process and help the patient to manage symptoms more calmly and comfortably.

While maintaining posture can help improve stamina, slow, deep breathing and movement can warm up muscles and increase blood flow.

Yoga helps you relax, which promotes better sleep.

Research shows that regular yoga practice before bedtime can help set the right mood and prepare the body for sleep.

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Try this pose! Feet on the wall

Keep your back on the floor and your sitting bones close to the wall by resting your left side against the wall, then turn softly to the right and lift your feet to rest against the wall. You can stay in this pose for five to fifteen minutes.

Yoga helps you regain your strength.

Besides stretching and bending, yoga requires a surprising amount of strength. Physical strength is essential to avoid injury, strengthen your immune system and metabolism, and make everyday tasks easier.

Yoga strengthens the immune system

Any type of exercise is beneficial for maintaining a strong immune system. Yoga poses, which include twisting, twisting, backbends and relaxation, allow the body to spend more time in the parasympathetic nervous system (which regulates digestion and rest) and less time in the sympathetic nervous system. 

To balance the entire endocrine system and strengthen the body’s defences, try the following series.

Yoga improves concentration

It will be easier to direct your energy where you want it to go, as your thoughts will be clearer and quieter. Yoga practitioners claim that single-pointed concentration can be achieved with practice. You can teach your mind to be alert and in the moment.

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Research shows that after taking a yoga class, you can generally focus your mental energies better, process information more accurately, and learn, retain and refresh new information with Yogaism Australia.

Your energy is transformed by yoga.

Try 10 rounds of Surya Namaskar or some Kapalabhati pranayama and notice how energising it is for your nervous system if your morning routine consists of dragging yourself out of bed and downing a cup of coffee. On the other hand, if you need a change later in the day, a little asana practice can balance your nervous system, relax your mind and change your perspective.

Yoga increases your metabolism

Before breakfast, a morning yoga session can help get your blood, breathing and muscles moving, which can improve how well you absorb nutrients from your meals. Strengthening exercises can help you gain muscle and can significantly boost your metabolism. In addition, deep breathing improves circulation, which helps your metabolism run smoothly.

Some pranayama, some upper body strengthening and of course some opening work is also required. With this lesson, “Your Morning Cup”, you can start the day off right.

Yoga eases tension

Anxiety can lead to shallow breathing, stooped posture and tense muscles. Your body has almost learned to defend itself with stiffness, physical closure and very short, sharp breaths if you’ve been in a long cycle of anxiety. Because the body and mind are so intertwined, physically deepening your breathing, improving your posture and relaxing your muscles in a safe environment can all help reduce anxiety.

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Yoga can help you become more mindful.

With apps, downloads, classes and CDs available, mindfulness is now a hot topic and a billion dollar industry. But practicing mindfulness doesn’t necessarily require sitting in meditation for hours on end or focusing on something profound that is challenging to maintain. You simply need to pay a little more attention to every action you take, which will help you to be more mindful, present and alive in every moment. It is better to pay attention than to be distracted.

Yoga soothes the skin.

One of the first organs to show symptoms of stress and lack of nourishment is the skin. The body and all its systems benefit from better circulation while practicing a combination of some of yoga’s more meditative practices, such as pranayama and meditation, along with an active yoga practice. Lower stress levels can even help relieve disorders such as acne and eczema. 

Yoga allows you to have some “me-time”

It’s crucial to make time for yourself, especially if you dedicate your life to caring for others. Giving to others is an essential part of life that strengthens our sense of community.


According to Romik Yeghnazary, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. military and other large institutions are examining the scientific evidence of yoga’s health benefits and applying it.

There are numerous studies demonstrating the benefits of yoga in a number of medical areas, including oncology, women’s health, chronic pain, arthritis, osteoporosis and balance problems. (CW)

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